More FAQ’s about divorce in Ireland

What is case progression? In an attempt to relieve backlogs in the court lists and improve progress in family law cases, the courts services introduced a new step in family law cases called case progression. Both sides are brought before the County Registrar who checks to see if all the appropriate forms are filled out [...]

By |2013-12-13T12:06:34+00:00December 13th, 2013|Divorce, Family Law, News, Separation|

“Common Law Marriage” myth needs addressing

A survey of MPs  in the UK has revealed that 69% of Parliamentarians agree there is a mistaken belief in the existence of “common law marriage” among their constituents, and that 57% believe the law needs to be changed to provide greater protection for unmarried couples upon separation. New polling shows 7 in 10 Parliamentarians [...]

By |2013-09-17T10:01:18+01:00September 17th, 2013|Common Law, Family Law, News|

Family issues dominate legal help calls

Nine per cent fewer people sought help from the legal rights group FLAC in Westmeath last year than the year before, according to its annual report, but family, employment and money worries continue to dominate the agenda. Westmeath FLAC opens twice a month in Athlone and Mullingar, in partnership with the Citizen Information Board. Volunteer [...]

By |2013-08-16T09:29:55+01:00August 16th, 2013|Family Law|

What is a Solicitor?

so·lic·i·tor/səˈlisitər/ Noun: A person who tries to obtain business orders, advertising, etc.; a canvasser. The chief law officer of a city, town, or government department. Sean O'Brien is the founder and partnet of a team of solicitors in Tallaght; but what exactly is a solicitor, what do they do and how can they help you? [...]

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