€52k High Court award for fall off horse at Castle Leslie

A woman who was thrown from a horse when a dog ran into her path as she was out riding at the Castle Leslie estate in Co Monaghan has been awarded €52,000 by the High Court. Mr Justice Anthony Barr said Jacqueline Whelan suffered a nasty injury as a result of falling from the horse [...]

Dealing with Spinal Cord Injuries

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal cord injuries can happen as a result of a vehicle, motorcycle, pedestrian, bicycle, or premises liability accidents. Damage to any part of the spinal cord or the nerves surrounding it can cause permanent changes in ability, sensation, or strength in body areas below the location of the injury. There are two [...]

$36.1 Million Verdict Against School Bus Company

The accident happened in Highland on the morning of October 3, 2012, when the plaintiff, Isabella Escamilla Sanchez, was six years old. Isabella attempted to cross 9th street mid-block to get to the bus stop where her school bus was en route to Bonnie Oehl Elementary School. Isabella Sanchez has undergone extensive rehabilitation after she was struck by [...]

By |2017-09-26T10:10:54+01:00September 26th, 2017|Legal, Legal Advice, News, Personal Injuries, personal injury claim|

Limerick steelworker’s life changed forever after near fatal workplace accident

A LIMERICK steelworker has been awarded €675,116 at the High Court for serious multiple and near fatal injuries sustained in a workplace accident. On August 9, 2012, John Gardiner was employed as a galvanising steel operator at Shannonside Galvanising at its factory premises at Drombanna. As part of his work, he was required to move [...]

By |2017-04-12T11:00:26+01:00April 12th, 2017|News, Personal Injuries, personal injury claim, Personal Safety|

Rio Tinto to pay injured worker a record $2 million compensation

Mining giant Rio Tinto has been hit with an unprecedented $1.3 million payout order for an injured mine-worker it unlawfully stood down just days after he won a damages claim against the company. The compensation, which comes on top of the $638,000 in damages, represents the highest amount awarded for an employer's breach of the [...]

Preserving the Evidence in your personal injury claim

Your “personal injury claim” is for fair financial compensation for your losses.  I have given you advice, which looks more like medical and rehabilitation advice, that will keep those losses to a minimum.  Wouldn’t you want more losses so as to have a larger claim?  Heck no.  That’s about as ridiculous as hoping that your [...]

By |2015-08-19T12:59:01+01:00August 19th, 2015|News, Personal Injuries, personal injury claim|

Documenting Your Personal Injury Claim

When building a personal injury claim case, documenting your case is extremely important. Collecting these important facts will help corroborate your claim and maximize your recovery. Here are some of the details that matter most: How the Accident Occurred You will need to document how the incident occurred. Start by filing a garda report, and [...]

By |2015-08-18T11:15:49+01:00August 18th, 2015|News, Personal Injuries|

Turf Club investigate Mikey O’Connor’s claim he was denied injury allowance

Mikey O’Connor said he was unfairly refused payment from the Qualified Riders Accident Fund The Turf Club is investigating the accuracy of comments made by amateur jockey Mikey O’Connor who has claimed the integrity body has unfairly refused to pay him from theQualified Riders Accident Fund after he sustained injuries in a fall. After riding [...]

By |2015-07-21T09:13:01+01:00July 21st, 2015|Accident, Injury, News, Personal Injuries|

Doctor injured in boating accident claiming personal injury damages from NHS 

Dr Kathleen Feest suffered the injury during a boat trip from Cardiff Bay to the Bristol Channel 'Serious spinal injury' But Dr Feest suffered a “serious spinal injury” during the hour-long trip and she is now suing her employers at the time, the South West Strategic Health Authority. For its part, the health authority is [...]

By |2015-07-20T09:18:25+01:00July 20th, 2015|News, Personal Injuries|
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