Personal injury lawyers have been asking people if they’ve been in a car accident that may have involved Snapchat.
Attorneys have set up websites to explain local laws on distracted driving, sent out press releases about Snapchat’s potential involvement in certain accidents, and written blog posts about the dangers of the app.
At issue are the app’s “speed filter” feature that tracks how fast someone is traveling while they take a selfie. Because Snapchat photos and videos disappear after viewing, they demand more concentration, one lawyer argues.
“If they are behind the wheel of a car and they want to view a Snapchat picture, 100% of their attention has been removed from the road,” California litigation attorney David Azizi writes on his blog.
Some lawyers make a more direct plea for potential clients.
“If you have been injured by a distracted driver, someone who was texting or playing with Snapchat or other social media apps call us today for a free consultation,” writes Steers and Associates, a California firm.
“Is Snapchat causing car accident deaths?” Wolff and Wolff Trial Lawyers in St. Louis ask on a dedicated page.
Source: Personal injury lawyers target Snapchat as reason for potential car crash suits