An inquest into the death of a five-year-old boy following a freak fireplace accident has been further adjourned pending directions from the DPP.
Gardaí told Cork City Coroner Myra Cullinane yesterday that they have submitted to the DPP’s office a file on the investigation into all the circumstances surrounding the death of Fionn Dawson at the family home in Coolgreen, Whites Cross in Co Cork, in April 2013.
It was reported at the time that the chimney breast in Fionn’s family home may have cracked or buckled, causing the fireplace or masonry to fall on to him shortly after he returned from playschool on April 30, 2013.
As part of their investigation, gardaí requested the services of an engineer, who examined the structure of the chimney and fireplace, amid concerns that a structural fault may have dislocated the fireplace.
At the previously opened and adjourned inquest, assistant State pathologist Margot Bolster said Fionn died from severe head and brain injuries due to blunt force trauma.
Yesterday, gardaí said they are awaiting directions from the DPP as to whether or not criminal proceedings may issue in relation to the case.
Dr Cullinane agreed to adjourn the inquest for another six months, at which point it is hoped the DPP will have issued directions.
Fionn’s parents, Cormac and Anita, paid a deeply moving tribute to their little boy at his funeral.
This article first appeared on Inquest into fireplace accident adjourned | Irish Examiner.