One way is to lend Google Glass to personal injury clients so that they can communicate with their lawyers via Glass to show how their daily lives are affected by their injury. A law firm in Phoenix, Arizona, is operating a pilot scheme with Google Glass, and is looking for ways of using these communications as evidence.

Adams and Diaco purchased its Glass units through Google’s Explorer Program. They plan to use Glass to show jurors the difficult problems that injured clients have to face every day. One obstacle may be the widely reported “invasion of privacy” issues raised by Google Glass. It has been claimed that Google is concerned about the adverse publicity arising from the ways in which its product could be used, particularly in anything involving legal issues. This potential problem will eventually have to be resolved by the courts.

Robert Adams suggests that another way in which Google Glass could be used – if the court allows – is as a means of live online communication with colleagues, the office, or clients during a hearing. This could be seen as the logical next step following the decision to allow televised court hearings.

Get the full story via How Google Glass Could Help You Win Your Next Personal Injury Case.