In an unusual case, the family court has granted divorce twice to a couple in a span of five years. Judge Nirmala V Bhaid on Friday, granted divorce to a businessman from Wakad from his wife of seven years, after he managed to prove his wife was in the habit of visiting her parent’s residence located in the city often and stayed for long intervals.
While granting the divorce, the court also considered the fact that owing to her apathetic behaviour, the woman had abandoned her two children — a girl of six years and a baby boy aged six months — and failed to prove that she had left the house against her will or on account of her husband’s cruelty.
When city businessman Sunil (name changed) filed a petition for divorce for the first time in the family court in the 2007, his wife did not appear in the court for the trial, despite being sent the court summons. Therefore, the court granted an ex-parte divorce to the husband in the case a few months later.
However, two years later, when Sunita (name changed) came to know of the divorce decree and subsequent marriage of her husband, she approached the court and requested that her marriage be restored. Hence, the court allowed hearing in the couple’s divorce case to begin anew in 2010.
As per the petition filed by Sunil, the couple got married in 2000, and his wife started frequenting her parent’s home in Katraj soon thereafter. Her husband raised questions after the frequency of the visits increased, and the time spent there stretched to six months at a go. Even after the birth of their two kids, she did not stop her visits.
via Couple divorced twice in five years – Pune Mirror,Pune Mirror.