Commercial Litigation – What is it?
“Commercial litigation is a general term that applies to any type of litigation or controversy related to business issues.”
We are a small business and understand the challenges facing businesses of all sizes today. We pride ourselves on building a long term working relationship with our business clients and like to work in partnership with them to create a successful outcome.
We have a proven track record in our Commercial Litigation Department of successful dispute resolution in all courts and employment tribunals. We have a successful track record in advising small, medium and large enterprises including multi-national companies.
At O’Brien Ronayne, we believe that understanding your business and your objectives are the solution to your Commercial Litigation problems. We have the flexibility and depth of resources to handle any litigation. Every client has different needs and expectations and we design and implement a bespoke service to meet our client’s particular requirements.
Sean O’Brien, solicitor, holds a Law Society Diploma in Commercial Litigation and is an accredited mediator with Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR). Our approach is to attempt to resolve disputes in the most cost effective manner possible.

The term Commercial Litigation covers the following areas?
- Administrative Law
- Arbitration / Dispute Resolution
- Competition & EC Law
- Corporate Litigation
- Employment Litigation
- Financial Services
- Healthcare Litigation
- Insurance / Professional Indemnity
- Intellectual Property & Technology
- Licensing
- Media Litigation
- Product Liability
- Property & Environmental
- Regulatory
- Trade & Trade Practices
We also handle emergency matters requiring urgent attention, such as injunctions, asset freezing and seizure claims.
Shareholders Agreement: What is a Shareholders Agreement?
A shareholders’ agreement is a contract entered into between a company and some or all of its shareholders. It can deal with all aspects of the relationship between the parties, including the personal rights and obligations of the shareholders. Together with the company’s articles of association a shareholders’ agreement creates internal “rules” by which a company is governed.
The main reason to put a shareholders’ agreement in place early on in the lifecycle of a company is that it is generally much quicker, cheaper and easier to do so than trying to negotiate a settlement in the event that a dispute arises and no agreement is in place to determine how such dispute will be resolved.
Commercial Property Transactions
We also specialise in sales and purchases of business premises, leases both short and long term, licence agreements and all types of commercial property transactions.